Publications Ethics


Authors should submit their research articles following the Author Guidelines prescribed by the PGJSRT. Articles to be submitted for possible publication should not be previously published nor considered for another publication elsewhere. The author should declare the originality of the research article, neither being considered nor accepted by another journal. If modifications had been made to the research article with enhancement on the synthesis and analysis of findings, an overlap is considered acceptable. Withdrawing the submitted article especially if it is already in the process of review by the peer reviewer is completely unethical as experts spend time and effort already in reviewing the paper, this may ground for non-acceptance of the future submitted articles. Copying others’ research work without citing the source is an unethical practice that is completely unacceptable. Plagiarism takes place in five types: copy and pastes plagiarism, word switch plagiarism, style plagiarism, metaphor plagiarism, and idea plagiarism.

Authorship Practice

Authorship credit must be based on the contributions of each author to the conceptualization and design of the study; revision of the paper that provides substantial insights and implications to findings, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data until the completion of the research study in drawing conclusions and recommendations. No one among the primary authors who met these criteria would be omitted from the authorship. People without any considerable involvement or substantial intellectual participation in the research process should not be considered as one the authors. The source of funding for highly technical research studies may be included in the acknowledgment as well as those people who became part either directly or indirectly in the completion of the research paper.

The corresponding author shall be responsible for communicating with the Editor-in-Chief to accomplish the copyright form and inform the co-authors regarding the status of the research article submitted and accepted for publication to PGJSRT to avoid multiple submissions of papers to another journal at the same time. If the paper is rejected for publication to PGJSRT that is the right time to submit the research article to another journal. The corresponding author is also responsible for the accuracy of content, particularly the complete name list of co-authors, updated affiliations, and email addresses.

Corrections and Retraction Policy

Article Retraction 

May be done in the case of unreliable findings, infringements of professional and ethical codes of research, plagiarism, multiple submissions to another journal, fraudulent use of data/information, and the like. 

Article Replacement 

May be done if the article might cause a serious health risk if acted upon from false or inaccurate information, the author/s should be asked to retract and replace the original article with the corrected version of the paper. A link for the notice of retraction should be provided to the corrected article. 


May be done for corrections in the article that might have been missed during the editing of the article resulting from errors or omissions of significant information. This is made accessible to the readers with a link to the corrected version. It should only be allowed within one year after the paper's publication date. If the case is beyond one (1) Erratum should not be applied rather the paper should be removed from the journal’s website.