School Heads’ Instructional Supervisory Skills and Teachers’ Performance
HEIs, Safety, Security measures, ImplementationAbstract
The instructional supervisory skills of school heads and the teachers' performance are crucial in fostering a culture of excellence, continuous improvement, and student success within educational institutions. Effective instructional supervision supports teachers in meeting their professional goals, enhances the overall quality of teaching and learning, and contributes to achieving organizational objectives. In this context, this study aimed to determine the instructional, and supervisory skills of public elementary school heads in district IV-B, division of Bacolod City, during the school year 2022-2023. Data for this descriptive study was collected from 139 respondents using a self-made survey questionnaire that has passed the rigorist tests of validity and reliability. The findings indicate a high level of instructional supervisory skills among school heads, consistent performance across demographics, and notable excellence in teachers' performance. Moreover, instructional supervisory skills and teachers' performance remained consistent across most variables, although differences were observed in teachers' performance based on position and educational attainment. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between instructional supervisory skills and teachers' performance. The results call for school heads to prioritize fostering a learning culture through workshops and mentorship programs, encouraging teachers to pursue advanced degrees to elevate their capabilities, and ensuring that schools stay updated with best practices, fostering effective leadership and ultimately enhancing teaching effectiveness across the organization.
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