Effective classroom management and students’ academic performance: A study in one of the middle secondary schools in Bumthang district
Classroom management, academic, verbal, instructional, authority.Abstract
The classroom is crucial for students, and effective classroom management within the classroom can affect students’ academic performance. This experimental study was carried out to explore Effective Classroom Management and Students’ Academic Performance in biology for ten grader students in Ura Middle Secondary School. The study adopted a one-group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design and survey questionnaires to elicit data from the 32 respondents. Three research questions and three hypotheses were also formulated to guide the study. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics and chi-square (X2) analysis. All the null hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings, in general, indicated that there was a statistically significant increase in the mean marks of biology in the class test when classroom management techniques are used to complement the traditional mode of teaching. The overall result from the survey also indicated that there was a substantial increase in academic performance based on verbal instruction, instructional supervision, and delegation of authority to the learners. It is thus recommended that teachers should be skilled in classroom management to influence academic performance positively.
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