Online Engagement and Learners’ Academic Performance: A Correlational Study


  • Mateo Sy Agosto Jr. Martin A Quiachon Elementary School, Philippines



The COVID-19 pandemic has led the Department of Education to rethink and redirect the way education is delivered in the country. One of the innovations was engaging students in the online modality.  This study investigated the online engagement of 32 grade VI learners in one of the schools in the Division of Cadiz City and correlated it to their academic performance. The respondents of the study were composed of 11 males and 21 females. The study utilized descriptive correlational research with the use of a questionnaire as an instrument to gather data. Due to restrictions on the face-to-face conduct of the study, the instrument was sent to the learners through their respective advisers. Results revealed that there was a great extent of online engagement among the learners (M=3.99, SD= 0.71). The academic performances of the learners showed a very satisfactory result (M=88.31, SD=1.874). It further showed that there was a significant relationship between online engagement and academic performance (p value=0.056) of grade 6 learners. The results only show that online learning is a significant learning modality that would address the concern of learning continuity among learners.


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How to Cite

Sy Agosto Jr., M. (2024). Online Engagement and Learners’ Academic Performance: A Correlational Study. Polaris Global Journal of Scholarly Research and Trends, 3(2), 1–13.


