Disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs of the municipalities in the fifth district of Camarines Sur: A comprehensive analysis
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Municipality, Policies and ProgramAbstract
This study assessed the disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs implemented in the Fifth District of Camarines Sur municipalities based on the Sendai framework criteria for local government resilience to disasters. It sought to identify the key vulnerabilities and risk factors and assess the current disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs implemented. The quantitative study utilized descriptive correlational design to gather the necessary data with documentary analysis and questionnaire as the main data gathering instruments. The questionnaire is composed of an adapted and self-made questionnaire which was distributed to 60 respondents. The data were analyzed with the use of the assessment checklist, weighted mean, and Friedman’s analysis of Variance. The municipalities of Baao, Balatan, Bato, Buhi, Bula, and Nabua are highly vulnerable to heavy rain, typhoons, and flooding, however, they are fully compliant with the criterion for disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs which implies good practices along with governance, risk identification, financial capacity, urban development, natural ecosystem, institutional capacity, societal capacity, infrastructure resilience, disaster response, and recovery. On the other hand, the municipality of Balatan complied with the criterion for disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs. The disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs implemented in the municipalities of Fifth District of Camarines Sur are significantly influenced by several barriers such as top-down planning and poor understanding of disaster risk. There is a significant difference between the current disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs implemented in the Fifth District of Camarines Sur indicating notable disparities across municipalities.
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